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Dry needling in physiotherapy - what is it, what you should know and how it can help?


Dry needling, therapy, specialist
Release trigger points to relieve pain, reduce muscle tension and improve range of motion.

Use and benefits of Dry Needling

Physiotherapists use Dry Needling with the goal of releasing or inactivating trigger points to relieve pain, reduce muscle tension and improve range of motion.

Dry Needling can be used with optimal results in injuries as:

- Rotator cuff injuries (tears, strains, tendinitis, bursitis...) - Frozen shoulder - Tennis elbow - Golf elbow - Neck and low back pain - Sciatic nerve pain - Hip and knee pain (hip bursitis, condropathia patellae, patellae tendinitis...) - Any muscle strain, muscle pull or even muscle tear

What is a trigger point? A myofascial trigger point is a palpable and hyperirritable nodule in the muscle, located in a taut band of a muscle fiber. In a trigger point, the muscle doesn’t receive the nutrients needed for its correct working. This point is painful at palpation and can also produce referred pain and loss of flexibility and joint mobility.

Trigger points treatment with Dry Needling: how does Dry Needling work? The treatment of myofascial trigger points with Dry Needling consists in introducing an acupuncture needle in the trigger point, producing a spasm that destroys it. After applying this technique, the Central Nervous System starts a regeneration process of the injured muscle. That way, more nutrients arrive to the muscle and it gets completely relaxed, with a very important improve of located and irradiated pain.

Dry Needling can only be used by experienced physiotherapists with specific postgraduate education and training.

Salva Mercade qualifed as PT at the University of Barcelona (UAB) – PGDip Dry Needling – Shoulder & Elbow Expert. We are currently offering a 10% discount for a first physiotherapy session with Salva, book your sesssion and claim your discount by contacting



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